Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Company Ltd, Nigeria’s indigenous first truly Made-in-Nigeria vehicles invites the general public to the official unveiling of its new brands of SUVs: Innoson IVM G80 and Innoson IVM G40, MPV: Innoson IVM G20, 4×4 Pick UP-Innoson IVM Granite, all manufactured at Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Plant.
Venue: Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing Co Ltd, at No. 2 Innoson Ind. Estate, Akwu-Uru, Uru Umudim Nnewi
Time: Monday, the 11th day of December 2017 by 11am at the factory premises.
Your presence at the unveiling will add glamour to the occasion.
While we look forward to receiving you at the unveiling occasion, please accept the assurances of our highest esteem.