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…..Inaugurated as Member of The Nigerian Industrial Policy and Competitiveness Advisory Council

Aftermath of the visit of the Director General of The Defence Industry Corporation of Nigeria, DICON, Major General B O Ogunkale to the Corporate Head Office of IVM Innoson Group at Emene Enugu State on the 17th May 2017, Chief Dr Innocent Chukwuma OFR on the invitation by the DICON GD, made a facility visit to the Headquarter of Defence Information Company of Nigeria DICON in Kaduna to inspect their facilities with the aim of determining areas of possible collaboration.

During the tour of the facilities, Dr. Chukwuma was amazed at the various types of production machinery and equipment installed at DICON and promised to give his best advisory contributions that will enable the factory to increase its production capacity. He assured the DG that with the collaboration of Innoson Group, DICON would meet the material requirement of the Nigerian Armed Forces as wellas other security agencies through improved production.

In praising Dr. Chukwuma for his visit, Major General Ogunkale thanked Dr. Chukwuma for his giant strides and the visionary role he is playing towards our National development. He equally assured him that DICON would provide every necessary logistics to make their collaboration come to fruition.

Also on May 30th, 2017, Dr. Innocent Chukwuma OFR was inaugurated as one of the committee members of the Nigerian Industrial Policy and Competitiveness Advisory Council by the Vice President, Prof Yemi Osibanjo GCON at State House Abuja. The Council is expected to advise the Government on how to develop an industrial policy that would help the growth and development of industries in Nigeria.

Cornel Osigwe
Public Relations and Media Assistant
Innoson Group

Innoson Vehicles

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